Alumni library membership
Alumni are welcome to apply for library membership and benefit from a wide range of services and resources at The American College of Greece (ACG) libraries. Should you be interested in becoming a member, please send us an email at [email protected] and we will contact you with more details on the process.
Membership benefits
As a registered alumnus / -a, you are able to:
- Borrow up to two books for a period of two weeks. For more details, please consult the borrowing regulations for Alumni .
- Access most of the library eResources using a library computer. Access to some eResources is not possible due to license agreements.
-> Access restrictions include all databases that require EZproxy authentication from on-campus (i.e. Passport) and databases that require specific log-in credentials (i.e. Bloomberg, Financial Times, the Economists, Data Prisma, Thomson Reuters, Clarksons, Marine Money), and publications included in Perlego.
-> Due to subscription agreements with publishers, alumni are not eligible for off-campus access. When using the library resources, we ask that you respect the library Acceptable Use Policy.
Please note that you are NOT able to scan, copy and print material. You can save electronic documents in a USB stick or send them directly to your email address.
Once your application has been approved, you can collect your library membership card from the library circulation desk presenting your ID. Please, remember to carry your library card at every visit, as you will need to present it to the college main gate. No admittance will be allowed unless you present your membership card along with your photo ID.
Alumni membership is valid for 1 year and must be renewed annually. The renewal process requires a new membership request.
The ACG libraries reserve the right to revoke or refuse to renew your membership, if membership benefits are abused or library regulations and policies are disregarded. In case of any change in the membership status or of the termination of membership due to violation of these membership conditions, a notification will be sent to member’s declared e-mail address. In case of any change of their e-mail address, alumni must inform the library at [email protected].