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Artificial Intelligence


An image for artificial intelligenceWhat is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is essentially the ability for machines to mimic human cognitive functions. This includes things like learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. AI isn't one specific technology, but rather a broad field encompassing various approaches. Machine learning, for instance, allows machines to improve at tasks through data analysis. AI is already woven into our daily lives, from recommending movies to powering chatbots. While some forms of AI excel at specific tasks, general artificial intelligence, replicating full human intelligence, remains theoretical.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as text, images, music, or code. It learns from existing data and patterns to generate new, original outputs.

How might you use generative AI to help your work?

You can utilize the power of generative AI to supercharge your workflow! Below are some examples of tasks with which AI tools can assist you with:

  • Writing texts or improve existing ones
  • Creating images
  • Planning your work
  • Brainstorming for a project
  • Getting started with a task

What is this guide about?

Our AI guide offers an introduction for understanding Generative AI. It typically dives into the history of AI with a timeline, then suggests several AI tools, including what prompts are and how they influence AI outputs. But the guide doesn't shy away from the big questions. It equips you to think critically about the ethical implications of AI, including potential biases, privacy concerns, the possibility of AI-generated hallucinations, and even copyright issues.

Disclaimer: This guide has been created using text-based & image generation AI tools like Gemini and Vieutopia. All facts have been checked by a human.