► Avgerinou, M. D. (2023). A new rubric for evaluating K12 digital textbooks. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 443–449). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/222532/
This study proposes a K12 digital textbook evaluation rubric. The rubric evaluates four research-based, critical dimensions of Digital Education Textbooks and Resources (DER): content, user interaction/experience, instructional design, and interaction. The session will explain the scoring mechanism, stakeholder instructions, and evaluation results.
► Avgerinou, M. D., Kapsali, E., & Antoniou, P. (2023). Complementary distance learning of Greek traditional dances in secondary education using ICT. In A. Lionarakis & E. Manousou (Eds.), Praktika tou 12ou Synedriou gia tēn Anoichtē & ex Apostaseōs Ekpaideusē [Proceedings of the 12th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning] (Vol. 6; pp. 105–133). Hellenic Open University; Hellenic Network of Open Distance Learning. https://tinyurl.com/2643msf6
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of complementary distance learning as compared to that of face-to-face teaching, on the development of motor and cognitive skills for the Greek Traditional Dances (Syrto - Kalmatiano and fast butcher) within the Curriculum (APS) of Physical Education for Secondary School students of N. Attica. The work also aimed at investigating the degree of student satisfaction in each of the adopted instructional methodologies. The action research - based study- involved 33 students (25 girls, 8 boys) of the 1st grade of High School. The participants were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 was taught exclusively through distance learning, Group 2 through traditional and supplementary distance learning, and Group 3 was taught only in the traditional way. Appropriate educational material was developed for each teaching method, while distance learning was implemented through the e-class learning management system, a safe and accessible platform for students. The evaluation of the intervention was performed with quantitative and qualitative criteria. The analysis of the data showed that the method of complementary teaching improved learning outcomes regarding student knowledge and skills about traditional dances, and also gave greater satisfaction to students regarding their overall learning experience. These results of the study are supported by, and themselves reinforce the findings of extant research about the importance of complementary distance physical education.
► Avgerinou, M. D., Karampelas, A., & Stefanou, V. (2023). Building the plane as we fly it: Experimenting with GenAI for scholarly writing. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(2), 61–74. https://doi.org/10.22554/ijtel.v7i2.128
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that forced universities to shift to online learning, the need for proper training and support for faculty to ensure effective online teaching and positive student outcomes has resurfaced and gathered momentum. This paper experimented with a GenAI tool (Perplexity) toward generating content on the effects of a lack of online teacher training on teaching, cognitive, and social presence in online university courses, specifically discussing how each presence is affected according to the Community of Inquiry extant literature. The authors’ reflection on the adopted process and GenAI content yielded mixed results and proposed future strategies for improved outcomes of similar research endeavors. Implications for education stakeholders and the field at large were discussed culminating in a shared perception of the value of Critical AI Literacy skill development while thoughtfully leveraging the vast capabilities of GenAI to bring about a profound transformation of teaching, learning, and scholarship.
► Malama, S., & Avgerinou, M. D. (2023). The implementation of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework during emergency remote teaching (ERT) as a benchmark for effective learning in high school. In A. Lionarakis & E. Manousou (Eds.), Praktika tou 12ou Synedriou gia tēn Anoichtē & ex Apostaseōs Ekpaideusē [Proceedings of the 12th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning] (Vol. 6; pp. 81–104). Hellenic Open University; Hellenic Network of Open Distance Learning. https://tinyurl.com/yjxs26wy
The prevalence of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) in the educational community, during the COVID-19 pandemic, revealed whether teachers had the readiness and skills to respond to the educational challenges created. The present case study is part of a larger research, the aim of which was to evaluate, based on teacher perceptions, the educational process during the implementation of ERT, in a school unit of Chania, with an emphasis on exploiting, for the benefit of the teachers, their weaknesses in relation to e-learning. Through the implementation of mixed-method research, it investigated the readiness of teachers to respond to the needs of external education, the degree of their attainment of the Teaching, Social and Cognitive Presences, the degree of their satisfaction with the design and implementation of the educational process, the use of the learning management system, as well as their experience regarding distance learning and the cultivation of 21st-century skills. The present study presents teachers' views regarding their attainment of the CoI Presences, through ERT, in a specific community, in order to investigate the effectiveness of learning experiences.