Watch this video to see how CNN covered the first September 11 attack a few minutes after the event.
Information dissemination
The day of the breaking news, the information started flowing with live video coverage and live reports on the television and radio news. Broadcasters were reporting that something devastating happened but could not explain what caused the crash of the plane. Reporters went at the scene talked with civilians that eye witnessed the crash, but no one was sure about why this happened. Other online news outlets across the world also developed and produced stories, often with distorted facts as they began to emerge in the confusion of the aftermath. Information was produced fast and might prove to be inaccurate as new details emerged.
Did you know?
At that time, social media websites like Facebook or Twitter had not been developed yet. Based on Pew Research Center reports, 81% of Americans received the news about the September 11 attacks from media outlets. About 11% of Americans got most of their information from radio and only 3% of Americans say they got most of their information about the attacks and the aftermath from the Internet.