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ORCIDid explained


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a global, non-profit organization providing a persistent 16-digit alphanumeric identifier for researchers to link their professional activities together and to be distinguished from others with similar names. Researchers can connect their ORCID iD to their publications, grants, affiliations, peer reviews, and other relevant information, creating a comprehensive record of their contributions to research.

ORCID benefits

Here are some specific examples of how ORCID can be used by faculty and researchers:

  • create a single, authoritative record of all of their scholarly contributions, including publications, grants, and awards. This record can be shared with publishers, funders, and other organizations, saving the researcher time and effort.
  • automatically populate grant applications and manuscript submissions. This can help to reduce errors and ensure that all of the researcher's relevant information is included.
  • link to their social media profiles and other online resources to increase their visibility and make it easier for others to connect with them.
  • find potential collaborators who share their interests. This can help to facilitate new research projects and collaborations.