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Off-Campus Access

Sharing library links for off-campus use

When sharing a library resource (e.g. an article, a book) you should ensure that the link of that resource passes through EZproxy so that it is also accessible from off-campus. Therefore, when you share a library link, or you upload it to Blackboard, you should create and share the proxied URL of the resource.


How to create a proxied URL

You may enter an original URL on the toolkit below to generate a proxied URL.

Proxied URL Generator Toolkit

Original URL:

Proxied URL:

You may now copy the proxied URL, and share it for remote access.


Understanding a proxied URL

The proxied URL consists of the permanent URL of a resource preceded by the EZproxy prefix below:

See the example below.

The URL for Alistair Thomson's article "Four Paradigm Transformations in Oral History" is:

To create the proxied URL add the prefix in front of the URL:


Permanent URLs

Every time you access a library resource (e.g. an article, a book) either from on- or off-campus, there is a high possibility that the URL in the address bar will not remain constant over time, and thus it may not get you back to the same resource again. To be able to retrieve the resource again or share it within the ACG community, you need to use the permanent URLs, also known as permalinks, stable links, static URLs etc. This persistent identifier does not change or expire over time.

It is important to note that in some of our databases the permanent URL is automatically proxied.

See below some examples of permanent URLs, and where you can find them within a database.