What are classification codes?
Classification codes refer to a categorization system that was designed to describe the content of APA PsycInfo database. This system includes general broad theme categories represented by about 160 terms, each one accompanied by a four-digit code. You may visit the APA PsycInfo Classification Categories and Codes page on the APA website for more information.
Who assigns them?
APA staff assign such codes to each new document that is added to APA PsycInfo. Usually, one classification code is assigned to each document, but there are cases in which more may be assigned.
Where in the bibliographic record do they appear?
The classification codes appear in the "PsycInfo Classification" field of an APA PsycInfo bibliographic record.
When should I use them?
Classification codes are particularly helpful when they are paired with keywords and index terms. They are, also, useful when you want to search broadly or when a search term can mean different things in different contexts or different subfields of psychology.