Here are some frequently asked questions with their answers.
► Where is the full text of the article and how can I get it?
APA PsycInfo is an index/bibliographic database, which contains abstracts, bibliographic citations, references, and other descriptive information, but no full text. Apart from it, the ACG Libraries also subscribe to many full text databases, which are linked to APA PsycInfo. As a result, if an article that is indexed in APA PsycInfo exists in full in one of these databases, its record is automatically linked to the full text in that resource.
This doesn't mean that all the items that are indexed in APA PsycInfo are available in full text elsewhere. If the article you are looking for is not, you may do one of the following:
- Look for the "Search for full text on Discovery" link. This will lead you to the respective record in our Discovery . If the full text item is available there, you will be able to download it directly. If not, you may request the item (article or book chapter) through document delivery.
- Look for the item's DOI in the full record. This will lead you directly to the publisher's website. If the item is published under open access agreement, you will be able to download it for free. If not, you may request to buy a copy for a fee.
► How can I get additional search help when using APA PsycInfo?
Even though the goal of the current help guide is to give you a thorough overview of how to search APA PsycInfo, there are additional tools that can help you make the most out of this database.
- Start with EBSCO's Help section, which provides context-sensitive online help.
- Visit APA's Search Help and Training Center , which provides search and topic guides, as well as webinars and tutorials on APA databases.
- Request an individual consultation with one of our reference librarians. They can sit down with you and guide you through the search, give you suggestions about what terms to search for, or help you alter your search strategy, if what you are searching for doesn't give you the information you are looking for.
►Where can I find information about psychological tests, and/or get the tests themselves?
APA PsycInfo may prove to be helpful when searching for the names of tests or other instruments that have been used in research and written about in the literature. Nevertheless, it is not a psychological test directory, which means that, even though you may sometimes be able to locate psychological tests in the full-text of articles, this is not always the case.
Obtaining access to psychological tests and/or instruments may not be easy. Some resources, you may consult, if you wish to find a psychological test or information about it are the following:
- The Testing and Assessment page in APA's Science Directorate, which includes a link to frequently asked questions about psychological tests.
- Test Reviews Online by the Buros Center for Testing, which includes descriptions and information about over 3,500 commercially available tests.
- The Psychological tests page on the library's Psychology subject guide.
► I found an error in an APA PsycInfo record. How can I report it and get it corrected?
Please send us an email describing the error and we will make sure we pass it on to our database provider and/or APA. You may do so through our Contact us page. In your message, make sure you include the following:
- the item's Accession Number,
- the item record's permalink,
- a description of what the error is,
- a description of how it should be corrected.
► How do I find out if a journal is indexed in APA PsycInfo?
APA PsycInfo indexes over 2,500 journals. To find out if the one you are interested in is included, you may check the APA PsycInfo® Journal Coverage List .
► Are journals in APA PsycInfo indexed in their entirety?
Nearly 60% of the journals that appear in APA PsycInfo are indexed cover to cover including any editorials, comments, letters to the editor, etc. For more information, you may check the APA PsycInfo® Journal Coverage List .
The materials in the remaining journals are selected based on relevance. As far as content from non-English journals is concerned, APA indexes only articles with English abstracts. This means that items, such as book reviews, commentaries, etc., which are not accompanied by an English-language abstract, are excluded.