Age Groups |
Limits by the age of human research subjects. |
You may use this limiter to find literature that focuses on specific age groups. You may select among:
- Childhood (birth-12 yrs),
- Neonatal (birth-1 mo),
- Infancy (2-23 mo),
- Preschool Age (2-5 yrs),
- School Age (6-12 yrs),
- Adolescence (13-17 yrs),
- Adulthood (18 yrs & older),
- Young Adulthood (18-29 yrs),
- Thirties (30-39 yrs),
- Middle Age (40-64 yrs),
- Aged (65 yrs & older),
- Very Old (85 yrs & older).
Book Type |
Limits results by type of book. |
This limiter applies only to books. You may select among:
- Classic Book,
- Conference Proceedings,
- Handbook/Manual,
- Reference Book,
- Textbook/Study Guide.
Classification Codes |
Limits results by classification code. |
You may select among the nearly 160 APA classification codes . |
Document Type |
Limits by document type. |
Document Type is a segmentation of Publication Type. This limiter identifies what a document is, as opposed to what it is about. You may select among:
- Abstract Collection,
- Bibliography,
- Chapter,
- Clarification,
- Column/Opinion,
- Comment/Reply,
- Dissertation,
- Editorial,
- Encyclopedia Entry,
- Erratum/Correction,
- Interview,
- Journal Article,
- Letter,
- Obituary,
- Poetry,
- Publication Information,
- Reprint,
- Retraction,
- Review-Any,
- Review-Book,
- Review-Media,
- Review-Software & Other.
English Language |
Limits results to those written in the English language. |
Exclude Dissertations |
Allows you to exclude dissertations from the list of results. |
Impact Statement Available |
Limits results to those with an impact statement. |
An impact statement is a summary that explains the impact of the study to the general public. |
Intended Audience |
Limits results by intended audience. |
You may select from among:
- General Public,
- Juvenile,
- Psychology: Professionals & Researchers.
Language |
Allows you to select the language in which results are written from among over thirty (30) languages. |
You may select from among:
- Afrikaans,
- Arabic,
- Bulgarian,
- Catalan,
- Chinese,
- Czech,
- Danish,
- Dutch,
- English,
- Finnish,
- French,
- Georgian,
- German,
- Greek,
- Hebrew,
- Hindi,
- Hungarian,
- Italian,
- Japanese,
- Korean,
- Lithuanian,
- Malaysian,
- Norwegian,
- Polish,
- Portuguese,
- Romanian,
- Russian,
- Serbo-Croatian,
- Slovak,
- Slovene,
- Spanish,
- Swedish,
- Turkish,
- Ukrainian.
Full Text Online |
Limits results to those that include a link to the full text available in another database. |
This limiter helps when you only need full articles, but may prevent you from locating useful abstracts, the full text of which you could request through document delivery. |
Methodology |
Limits by a specific methodology or study design.
You may use this limiter to find literature that has used specific methodologies or designs. You may select from among:
- Brain Imaging,
- Clinical Case Study,
- Clinical Trial,
- Empirical Study,
- Experimental Replication,
- Followup Study,
- Longitudinal Study,
- Prospective Study,
- Retrospective Study,
- Field Study,
- Interview,
- Literature Review,
- Mathematical Model,
- Meta Analysis,
- Metasynthesis,
- Nonclinical Case Study,
- Qualitative Study,
- Quantitative Study,
- Scientific Simulation,
- Treatment Outcome,
- Twin Study.
Consult the APA Databases Methodology Field Values for the definition of each methodology.
Open Access |
Limits results to those that have been published under open access agreement. |
A flag on the record indicates that the full text is available through open access. Using this limiter will give you access to resources beyond APA PsycInfo or other library resources. |
References Available |
Limits results to those with "Cited References" . |
Using this limiter will help you if you want to get an idea of relevant literature that preceded a source. |
Peer Reviewed |
Limits search results to articles from peer-reviewed journals. |
Peer-reviewed journals are those that publish articles after taking them through the peer-review process . |
Population Group |
Limits by group of participants in a research study. |
You may select among:
- Human,
- Animal,
- Male,
- Transgender,
- Female,
- Inpatient,
- Outpatient.
Publication Status |
Limits results by whether they are first postings or fully published. |
You may select first postings, if you wish to find Online First Publications . |
Publication Type |
Limits by type of publication. |
Publication Type describes what an item is and not what it is about, and is further divided into Document Types. This limiter is particularly useful if you wish to retrieve results from a specific type of source. You may select among:
- All Journals,
- Peer-Reviewed Journal,
- Peer-Reviewed Status-Unknown,
- All Books,
- Authored Book,
- Edited Book,
- Encyclopedia,
- Dissertation Abstract,
- Electronic Collection.
Publication Year |
Limits results to those published within a specified date range. |
You may define the date range of your preference at a year level. |
Published Date |
Limits results to those published within a specified date range. |
You may select from among preset date ranges of define the date range of your preference at a month-day-year level. |
Publisher |
Limits by publisher. |
This is particularly useful if you wish to search for material published by a specific publisher. |
Source |
Allows you to search within a specific publication. |
You may enter the full title of a specific publication or specific keywords. The first will allow you to search a particular publication, while the second will help you retrieve results from various publications that contain the search terms in their title. |
Supplemental Materials |
Limits results to those that include supplemental materials. |
You may select to narrow down your list of results to those that include any of the following:
- 3-D Modeling Images,
- Appendixes,
- Audio,
- Computer Software,
- Data Sets,
- Experimental Materials,
- Other,
- Tables and Figures,
- Tests,
- Text,
- Video,
- Web Sites,
- Work Book/Study Guide.
Tests & Measures |
Allows you to search by a specific instrument. |
You may enter the full title of an instrument or specific keywords. The first will help you retrieve studies that have used the particular instrument, while the second studies that have used various instruments that contain the search terms in their title.