Full-text in Discovery
Discovery makes content available from our resources but also for the WorldCat database. Our resources provide full-text availability from databases to which we subscribe and you can access if you use your ACG Network/Blackboard credentials. WorldCat database provides full-text from several open access resources which include institutional and disciplinary repositories as well as Gold OA and Hybrid journals.
Databases not available in Discovery
Although most of our resources are searchable through Discovery, some databases, due to their nature, are not compatible with this tool. In a broader sense we could classify these databases under five categories meaning that if you need the type of information these sources provide you should search them individually.
Check the collapsible categories below to find out to which databases are not available through Discovery.
- Artstor
- Drama Online (partially available)
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
- Library Information & Technology (Abstracts)
- Litfinder
- MLA Directory of Periodicals
- PsychINFO
- Flipster
- Lloyd's list
- New York Times
- Sirs Issues Researcher
- TradeWinds
- Clarksons Shipping Intelligence Network
- Data.Prisma
- Datastream
- Euromonitor
- PitchBook
- Statista
- Literary Encyclopedia
- Oxford English Dictionary
To search in these databases, you can visit our A-Z database list to find them listed there alphabetically or visit one of our Subject guides where databases are listed based on the discipline that they represent.
Open access in Discovery
Discovery makes content available from our databases but also from the WorldCat database. This database includes Open Access resources from a subset of databases e.g. the Public Library of Science (PLOS) or the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and many additional resources. It is enhanced by Unpaywall including institutional and disciplinary repositories, organizations etc.
Retrieving Open Access content via Discovery
You can narrow your search to retrieve only open access resources from the Content type limiter in Discovery. In case you do so, you will be able to retrieve resources that are accessible without restrictions when the "View PDF" indication appears next to a source.
Requesting not available material via Discovery
Discovery with its services, brings together libraries from around the world that share the common goal to make their content available to their patrons without paywalls. These libraries share their resources with each other protecting and following copyright guidelines from the publishers they work with and from their institutions. Thus, whenever a resource is not available from "The American College of Greece Libraries" but it is available "at other Libraries Worldwide", you can request it through our Document Delivery Services form . To learn more about our policy, you could visit our Document Delivery page on the library website.
Submitting requests via Discovery
Check the tabbed boxes to find step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial on how to submit requests via Discovery.