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Research Impact


What is ORCID?

ORCID stands for Open Researcher & Contributor ID and is an international, interdisciplinary, open and non-profit organization which aims to solve the researcher name ambiguity problem for the benefit of all stakeholders including, research institutions, funding organizations, publishers, and researchers themselves. The core mission of ORCID is to provide a registry of persistent unique identifiers for researchers and scholars.

Check the video below to find out more about what ORCID is.

Why should I get an ORCID iD?

ORCID provides unique alphanumeric identifiers to researchers with the goal to provide authority control for authors in the academic and scientific communities. With an ORCID identifier, you:

  • have more time for research by allowing trusted organizations to add your research information to your ORCID record, you can spend more time conducting your research and less time managing it!
  • distinguish yourself and claim credit for your work while controlling access to your data, no matter how many people have your same (or similar) name.
  • reduce the negative consequences of name changes due to marital status or different transliterations of your name, so you will no longer be limited to the name you used when you began your career.
  • have a persistent identifier that will follow you throughout your career.
  • reduce administration burden by experiencing greater ease as an increasing number of manuscript submission or grant application forms can be auto-populated when you log into their systems with your ORCID, like NIH Biosketch , ScienCV , CiênciaVitae , Portuguese FCT , and OJS .
  • can customize visibility as all your research can be linked together, while you control the visibility of each piece of data. Set your visibility to public to increase your discoverability!
  • can have a portable profile data as can easily share your data between your record and an increasing number of funding, publications, data repositories, and other research workflows. 

How can I register for an ORCID iD?

To register for an ORCID iD is an online process that takes a few minutes. Once you register for an ORCID iD, you will be directed to your new ORCID record. You are the owner your ORCID record and, you will be able to update or add information -- or give others permission to do so -- by signing into your account. 

Check out a series of videos and find out more about how to set up your ORCID record!

How does an ORCID record look like?

If you click on an ORCID iD link, you're taken to the researcher's ORCID record, which is populated with information about her/his similar to what you might see on a CV or resume. What you're seeing is:

  • at the top of the record, the researcher's name, and other names that she's/he's gone by, as well as a short biography,
  • on the left side, the researchers email address, website, social links, other identifiers and keywords that she has assigned,
  • under the biography section, the researcher's activities including:
    • employment information,
    • education and qualifications information,
    • research works, and 
    • peer review contributions.