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Research Impact

Journal Altmetrics

Which altmetrics are available at the journal level?

The altmetric which is available for journal metrics is the Altmetric Attention Score. This metric refers to the attention a scholarly journal has received. The score considers three factors: 

  • volume - the overall extend to which people are mentioning the journal,
  • sources - types of places where the journal is mentioned,
  • authors - who are mentioning the journal, to what extend these authors may be biased or engaged with scholarship.

Which tools provide altmetrics in the journal level?

There is a web-based tool, Altmetric Explorer which offers the Altmetric Score for journals. 

Check the tabbed box below to find out how to get the Altmetric Attention Score of particular journals.

Altmetric Explorer allows librarians to browse and report on all attention data for every piece of scholarly content it includes. This is limited to a maximum of two accounts per university.

You can ask us to generate altmetrics reports for the articles / journals you are interested in. To do so, email us at [email protected]. Once you email us the list of articles / journals you need, we can access the "Altmetric Details Page" of the articles / journals and email you back the results. 

An image showing the journal's altmetrics in Altmetric Explorer

1. The Public Library of Science (PLoS)  has integrated the Altmetric Explorer. This allows you to check which articles are seeing the most buzz from social media sites, newspapers and in online reference managers.

An image showing the PLOS almetric explorer


2. Wiley  has integrated the Altmetric Explorer on its website. This allows you to check the Altmetric score for several journals. You will find the Altmetric Explorer on the journal's home page. It will prompt you to click the Altmetric banner to view a report overview including total mentions and research outputs, attention source breakdown, the attention of the journal overtime and the latest trending articles.

An image showing the altmeric explorer report in a Wiley journal