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Research Impact

Author Altmetrics

Which altmetrics are available at the author level?

There are two altmetrics measures associated with the author level metrics. The categories are the following:

  1. Impactstory Percentiles: It allows you to track percentiles for comparison e.g. percentiles of how much of your research is published under open access license, or how much your work is cited in Wikipedia.
  2. Research Interest Score: It combines multiple publication metrics like reads, recommendations, and citations. It uses a system for weighting the different types of interactions

Which tools offer altmetrics in the author level?

There are tools like harvesters and peer networks offering altmetrics in the author level.

Check the tabbed box below to view tools offered in the above categories.

Impactstory  allows you to create your own profile listing your research articles and other "products" (datasets, slides, etc.).  It also allows you track buzz on Twitter, blogs, news outlets and more. To get started, you must sign up for a free Impactstory account and submit your basic information. You can add a variety of scholarly outputs manually or by linking your profile to a supported scholarly venue like Google Scholar or ORCID. Researchers receive badges based on the numbers they receive. 

An image showing an impactstory profile

Research Gate  is a social networking site that offers the Research Interest Score. This appears on a stats overview page which also includes reads, citations, and recommendations.