APA PsycInfo is a database that indexes psychology literature. Even though it is not a per se test database it may contain tests, or portions of tests, included in published articles indexed in it. To search for such tests, you may use the database's "Tests and Measures" field, which allows you to search for tests and measurements used in a particular research paper. Note that not all articles will provide access to the full tests used. If the full test is included, then APA PsycInfo records it as an "Appended" item. Therefore, to find tests in APA PsycInfo, you may follow the steps below:
- Go to the "Advanced Search".
- Type "Appended" in the first search box and select "TM Tests & Measures" from the drop-down menu next to the search box.
- Type a keyword or the name of the test you are looking for in the second search box.
- Click on "Search".
For more information on how to use the "Tests & Measures" field, you may consult this article from the APA Publishing Blog, the short video on the left side of this page taken from the APA Publishing Training YouTube channel, or the "Important search fields" section on our APA PsycInfo Guide.