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Doing Research


Content types

There are two types of periodicals in terms of content: scholarly and non-scholarly periodicals. The type of periodical you will use defines the type of information that is available in it.

Watch these videos to understand how information differs depending on the type of periodical.

Format types

There are two types of periodicals in terms of format; online and print periodicals. In our library we offer the online periodicals through subscription databases. We also offer periodicals in print. You can find the current issues of popular periodicals and newspapers available at the browsing area of the Main level of our library. You can search for any periodical title through our Discovery .

Inside periodicals

Periodicals have many differences in terms of their purpose, audience, writers, language, publisher and publishing procedures.

Check the table to understand the basic characteristics of each periodical type.

Source Purpose Authors Audience Language Publisher Review Process


To advance OR report new knowledge Experts Academics Technical
Scholarly OR Professional Association  Peers


To report OR summarize best practices and latest developments, trends, products on a field Experts
Professional writers
Informal Scholarly OR Professional Association Editor


To report OR summarize information Professional writers
General Informal Commercial Publishers Editor
Newspaper To report current information Journalists General Informal Commercial Publishers Editor

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