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Doing Research

Preparing for research

There are some practical tips that can help you prepare for the research process and begin it with more confidence.

Comfort Tips

Image showing a study space


  Find the place that best works for you to study and write; your college library or your own room.


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 Decide if it works for you to work quietly or with a little distraction such as background music.


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  Avoid distractions from your social environment like roommates, and online social media networks.


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  Determine the time you enjoy doing mentally engaging work; early in the morning or later in the day.


Mechanical Tips

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 Bookmark the library website and find out when the physical library is open.


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  Identify the log-in or authentication procedure for accessing library resources from off-campus.


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 Issue a photocopying and printing card, as some of the resources may be in print format.


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 Get a removable storage device or access Google Drive or Dropbox to save your sources.


Psychological Tips

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 If you are a procrastinator, start research early enough or you are taking the risk of doing too little.


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 If you are a perfectionist, try not to cover everything, or you are taking the risk of missing your focus.


Image showing a lady working with a laptop


 Contact a librarian at [email protected]. We can help you find resources and strategically plan your research. You will feel that you are not alone in this process.


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