Saving results
Google Scholar allows you to personalize your results within its indexing system. Personalizing options include; saving and organizing your results.
Starring items
There is a white star icon ( ) under each article that allows you to save your favorite articles. Once you click the star, it turns blue ( ). This means that you have saved your article. The use of this feature, requires that you have a Google account , and that you are already logged in to it.

Storing items in "My library"
The saved articles and citations are stored in "My library". This feature allows you to build your personal collection of articles within Google Scholar. The use of it, requires that you have a Google account , and that you are already logged in to it. To view your items, click the hamburger icon ( ) on the left-hand corner. This reveals a menu from which you could choose "My library". Then, you can see the items that you have saved.

Managing items with Labels
Once you visit "My library", you can organize your items by assigning labels to them. Labels allow you to classify citations under different categories. To do so, select the items which you want to be tagged together and click the label icon ( ). Then select "Create new".

Once you click "Create new" a pop-up window appears. Type in the box, the name of the label, you want to assign and click "CREATE".

Once you create a label, it will appear next to the citation. It will also appear on the left-hand side of the screen. Once you assign labels to all the saved citations, you can select a particular label and view the sources which you placed under this label.

Go to "Manage labels", if you want to make changes to the labels you have assigned.

You can use the pencil icon ( ) to edit a label, the ex icon ( ) to delete a label, or click "Create a new label" button to continue adding new labels.