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Ebook Guide

Download & read offline

Downloading an ebook for offline reading gives you the opportunity to save the book locally on your device for a specified period of time. Downloading the book requires an Internet connection, but once the downloading is completed, access to the book is possible even when you are not connected to the Internet.

The required steps for downloading an ebook are described below.

1. Ensure your selected database supports offline downloading

Keep in mind that not all ebook databases support offline downloading. Among the databases available at the ACG Libraries, Ebook Central and the eBook Collection allow you to download ebooks for offline use. O'Reilly for Higher Education, though, does not.

2. Install Adobe Digital Editions

To be able to download and read an ebook on your device, you, first, need to install an ebook reader called Adobe Digital Editions. This reader is required to download ebooks from both Ebook Central and the eBook Collection databases. It is compadible with Windows PCs and Mac as well as with Android (phone, tablet) and iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch) devices. You may download it free of charge from the Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.11 Installers page.

3. Create a personal account on the ebook database

To download an ebook you must have a personal account on the database you wish to download the ebook from. Personal database accounts are created by you and are not related to your ACG network or ACGMail accounts. However, we suggest you use your ACG email and password when you create one, as this will make it easier for you to remember your credentials.

If you don't have an account, click one of the buttons below to find out how to create one.

To create a personal account in Ebook Central database, follow the steps below:
To create a personal account in eBook Collection database, follow the steps below:

4. Download an ebook

After you have installed an ebook reader and created a personal account in your preferred ebook database, you can start downloading the ebook of your preference. The proceedure for downloading an ebook may differ depending on the database. Click one of the buttons below to find out how to download an ebook from Ebook Central or the eBook Collection.

To download an ebook from Ebook Central, follow the steps below:
To download an ebook from the eBook Collection, follow the steps below: