ACG During Covid-19: Documenting History in the Making
A community archiving project

The American College of Greece, in its long history, has witnessed several historic events in times of crisis and has demonstrated an unprecedented spirit of perseverance and strength documented in its archives.
For almost a year now the world is facing an unprecedented pandemic which is greatly affecting all of us. In an effort to preserve this unique experience of ACG Community members and document current events for future generations and researchers, the ACG Archives and Special Collections is launching a Community Archiving Project.
Every single contribution is valuable, so please do not hesitate to share your story and experiences. Here are some ideas.
► If you are a student:
What is your experience of social distancing on campus? In your life? How do you cope with online classes? What is your daily routine?
► If you are faculty/instructor:
How fast did you have to adjust to the new circumstances? What actions did you take? What was your concern in relation to your students? How did you feel?
► If you are staff:
What was your first reaction to an empty campus? How difficult was it to be concerned with the wellbeing of the community from a distance? What actions did you take? How different is your working routine? Your decision making process?
► If you are alumni:
Are you an employee working remotely? Are you at home caring for others? Have you ever come across similar strenuous times? How do you cope?
Your submission could take many different forms:
- Share your photographs & videos
- Share your writings, drawings, paintings
- Share screen shots of social media posts
- Share your own journal (written, audio, or video) documenting your experience
- Share announcements, policies, flyers and leaflets from activities on campus and out of the campus
- Share your recipes & shopping lists for quarantine cooking
- Start a journal or create a scrapbook with ephemera (clippings, photos, leaflets, notes, tickets etc.)
You can choose to participate with a digital and/or analog contribution:
Digital submissions
Digital submissions may be in the form of photographs, text files, PDFs, spreadsheets, presentations, audio files/podcasts, or video. Please, submit the ACG during Covid-19 form below and send your material according to the guidelines.
Physical, analog submissions (non-digital materials)
If your experience is best documented in the physical, analog realm, we would like to hear from you, too. Please, submit the ACG during Covid-19 form below WITHOUT posting anything yet, and we will get in touch with you to discuss details about the submission process.
ACG during Covid-19 Submission Form
Please note that there is no deadline for the submission of the material, as yet, and that for the purpose of the project we will create a special exhibit in the Digital Museum of the College.
For questions please contact Demetra Papaconstantinou, College Archivist, at [email protected].