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Greece 1821-1941: A tribute to Greece 2021 Celebrations 


An anthology of writings by American scholars, authors and politicians commenting on the struggles, history and culture of Greece. It was published in 1941 in order to commemorate 120 years from 1821. The anthology was created in New York by the American Friends of Greece, an organization founded in 1923 to promote "friendly relations between the people in the United States and the people of Greece". 

Source: ACG Archive: Kimon Friar Papers – Book Collection 


The booklet is part of the Kimon Friar - Book Collection and belongs to The ACG Archives and Special Collections. The History Society, an ACG Academic Society run by Deree history students, has enthusiastically accepted our invitation and is currently preparing an annotated version of the booklet in order to provide short biographical notes and describe the context of each piece of writing.