EBSCO Mobile
What is EBSCO Mobile?
EBSCO Mobile is a mobile app that gives you quick and easy access to the content of all EBSCO databases subscribed by the ACG Libraries, from your mobile device. You can use EBSCO Mobile to search databases such as Academic Search Complete, APA PsycINFO, Business Source Complete, Communication & Mass Media Complete, GreenFile, as well as EBSCO's eBook Collection.
What are the app's main features?
The EBSCO Mobile app allows you to:
- stay organized with cross-device synchronization;
- read or listen to your preferred sources;
- view recently viewed sources;
- discover new content based on recently viewed topics;
- bookmark sources;
- limit to peer-reviewed articles or full text items;
- filter by date or source type; or
- share sources via social media or email with other EBSCO subscribers.
How can I connect EBSCO Mobile to the library?
After downloading the app, you have to link it to the ACG Libraries. Here is how:
- Open the EBSCO Mobile app.
- Tap "Get started".
- Search for and select "AMERICAN COLLEGE OF GREECE".
- Tap "Connect your institution".
- Sign in to EZproxy with your ACG Network username and password.
After you sign in, you may continue as an "Anonymous researcher" or sign in to your personal "MyEBSCO" account. Signing in to your account allows you to save and access content from any device.
To sign in to your account tap the profile icon
and then tap "Sign in to MyEBSCO". If you do not have a "MyEBSCO" account and wish to create one, tap "Create an account" instead.